Music, Audio, Video

TitleIf You Will Not Have Me, You May Let Me Go
First heard played by a visiting fiddler at our Cambridgeshire sessions some years ago. When I found it was in B minor I over-hastily wrote it off as impossible to play on a D/G melodeon. A couple of years later I heard Paul Scourfield playing it on a D/G melodeon and was forced to revise my earlier opinion.

Played here on a Salterelle Connemara D/G, and with worse sound than usual on the video, for some reason. I now play it on the Dino Baffetti/Oakwood (but I miss the Saltarelle's F♯ bass!) and should really do another video. It is on our Bakers Dozen CD ( and you can hear it for free on Bandcamp

WhoAnahata (melodeon)
Video video link