Music, Audio, Video

TitleKerfank 1870
For melnet theme of the month September 2024 - Tunes from Brittany.
This is the melody of a song from Breton group Tri Yann, and it's believed that the tune was originally a Breton An Dro (a type of dance.)

This version was Transcribed from YouTube channel
GODALKANJE - Glasbeni kolokvij

A translation of an article on French Wikipedia has this to say about the original name of the tune:

“The melody is based on an An dro named Gweharral previously recorded by Kistinidiz in 1975 on their album Chants à Danser Du Pays Pourlet chez Arfolk. Gweharral (gwechall in modern Breton) formerly means in Breton bas-vannetais (cf. gwech and arall).”

WhoAnahata (D/G melodeon)
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